Sunday, September 15, 2019

What is the a label mojoheadz records?

Since it’s inception in 2014, Mojoheadz records has been the go-to label for exotic house, trance and techno genres. If searing, sharp-toothed bass music is your thing, the label has everything you need.
MojoHeadz Records
Clay Clemens [Mojoheadz] & KSHMR [SPINNIN']
You'll find bass music boundary-breaking music coming from the likes of Endego, Kevin Moncado, Clay clemens, Nuclear Maniac, Nachamuni and many many more - artists that can give you chills with ice cold liquid beauties, send you off-kilter with swirling melodies or send you into head-bopping mode with tasty halftime beats.

The label owners, who are based on LA, USA, have built up a discography that would make any self-respecting ‘CLUBBER’ blush.

Mojoheadz, loose, spiritual and pushing the envelope of what can work on the dancefloor.

Check official website for info. And check reddit community for more information about this.

1 comment:

  1. MojoHeadz has never been particularly involved with any one scene. With MojoHeadz Records, over and over again you can see the formidable label formula for a huge amount of timeless work!


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What is the a label mojoheadz records?

Since it’s inception in 2014, Mojoheadz records has been the go-to label for exotic house, trance and techno genres. If searing, sharp-too...